GHAI Essential Pediatrics 10th Ed.

  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789354665073
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13:
  • PAGES: 908
  • LANGUAGE: English

GHAI Essential Pediatrics 10th Ed.

Rs. 1395.00

Publisher :CBS
  • Medical
  • English
  • 908 PAGES

?Alignment with the competency-based undergraduate curriculum prescribed by the National Medical Commission

?Focus on child nutrition, growth and development
?Emphasis on recognition and management of common pediatric conditions
?Liberal use of algorithms and tables emphasizing differential diagnosis, and integrating strategies for evaluation and management
?Updated guidelines on diagnosis and management of COVID-19, tuberculosis and other infections; care of healthy and sick newborns, and management of systemic diseases
?Extensive revision of chapters on immunization, infections, genetics and inborn errors of metabolism, and kidney diseases
?Fresh perspectives from new contributing authors on fluid and electrolyte disorders, critical care, and medical procedures
?Up-to-date and detailed IMNCI guidelines for managing sick young children
?Easy to locate key content through unique color design
?References to relevant websites and updated resources for suggested reading


?Alignment with the competency-based undergraduate curriculum prescribed by the National Medical Commission ?Focus on child nutrition, growth and development ?Emphasis on recognition and management of common pediatric conditions ?Liberal use of algorithms and tables
sizing differential diagnosis, and integrating strategies for evaluation and management ?Updated guidelines on diagnosis and management of COVID-19, tuberculosis and other infections; care of healthy and sick newborns, and management of systemic diseases ?Extensive revision of chapters on immunization, infections, genetics and inborn errors of metabolism, and kidney diseases ?Fresh perspectives from new contributing authors on fluid and electrolyte disorders, critical care, and medical procedures ?Up-to-date and detailed IMNCI guidelines for managing sick young children ?Easy to locate key content through unique color design ?References to relevant websites and updated resources for suggested
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  • PRODUCT CODE : 9789354665073
  • CATEGORY: Medical
  • ISBN-13: 9789354665073
  • PAGES: 908
  • LANGUAGE: English

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